In math we are working on number sense and counting. Today we ordered our numbers on a 100s chart. Such a great activity for finding patterns in numbers and to assist in counting.
Sequencing The Crayon Box that Talked book that we read earlier in the week.
Mrs. Wilson taught another habit good readers have which is 'scooping words' so we sound more fluent when we read. We practiced taking small scoops and big scoops.
In Writer's Workshop today we talked about 'How to Write a Story'. Then we worked on our independent writing.
In our unit, Who We Are, we are talking about communities and how we choose the things we choose. In small groups we are creating imaginary bunny communities. Today each group had to make a billboard that can stand on its own to try and convince other bunnies to live in their community. The bunnies decided this would be a good way to live to protect each other from the roaming fox and help each other find food.
They did a great job and are learning lots about how to work in a team.
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