Thursday, June 2, 2016

Last day of school!


  1. Beautiful video! Thanks for a great year, Mrs Graves, and for capturing the memories! Everyone, have a blessed summer!

  2. Thank you for a great year and for sharing so much with us through your blog!

  3. Looks and sounds like they had a blast on the last day of school. Thank you for all you did with these kiddos this year. I know they learned and experienced many new things, as did us parents. We're truly blessed to be in the CISD and to have such wonderful teachers. Thank you Jacquie!

  4. I know I've told you this a million times, but we cannot thank you enough for all you have done for Parker this year. You are an amazing teacher and Park has learned so much this year bc of your talent, dedication, and love for children. You will always hold a special place in our hearts. :)
