Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Love these 3 act lessons.
How many orange slices do you think there will be total?

Practice counting by 5s!

Introduced the last Approaches to Learning station today. 
Research Skills!

What talked today about how readers build good habits by making goals. I showed them how I make reading goals for myself and I even keep track of my goals. I opened up my Good Reads account and showed them what my goal was and how close I was to it.

We talked that this is a long term goal and I also have short term goals in my reading. In order to meet this long term goal, my short term goal is to read a book about every 2 weeks. 

And finally we discussed that we have to reevaluate goals and change them as you start accomplishing it. I showed them how I only have 4 more books to read to reach my goal for the year and I will most likely go passed this goal and I could probably change that number from 30 to maybe 33 or so. 

We wrote some goals to try and accomplish by the end of September. 
We talked that while reading Harry Potter is a great goal, it would not be appropriate to write this down to accomplish by the end of September. 

Today in Writer's Workshop we talked about the next step in the process and that is to PLAN.

Sharing our stories! 
And shout out to the lovely family who bought the microphone off of my wishlist. It's been GREAT!

We kicked off our first unit yesterday. Today we learned what the BIG central idea for the unit is. We learned some hand motions to go with it. See if your child remembers. :)

Asking questions about this unit!

Monday, August 26, 2019


Love hearing the number conversations that come out of this 3 act lesson we did. 

We are working on counting by 5s this week.
Practice at home!

Working on building good reading habits!

We got to practice reading with partners today. Setting up some guidelines as we do this!

Learning that we can always add more details to our writing!

Introducing our new unit.
It's all about ANIMALS and we are so excited!!!

Looking at some animals cards and discussing what is the same and what is different. 


Then we sorted our animals into 2 groups. We presented what animals we got and how we sorted them.