Friday, April 8, 2016


We had a great time at International night last night.  Thanks for all those that came out!

This friend has been saving up and used his bug bucks smartly on the same day ;).

Finishing up our final copies of our stories.


More measuring with nonstandard units.

Thank you, Ms. Taylor for being our guest reader today!

Can you tell what fairy tale this is?  What do you notice about the picture?

Now sequence the story!

The Little Mermaid added to the fairy tale book study wall!


  1. International Night was awesome!! Such a fun event. Thanks to all who helped make it a success. Great Pics, Mrs. Graves!!

  2. That was our first Pinkerton International Night. Wow! So many countries were represented! It was such a grand display and such a treat to be there.

  3. I love all this writing and math!
