Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Feeding Pearl.

Loved seeing Dr. Waldrip this morning present the National School of Character banner to Mrs. Mikkelsen.

I show respect when I...

Changed out our Halloween books to Thanksgiving books. 

Library Day!
Today was our MakerSpace day.  We learned how to use the Code-A-Pillar.

One of my most favorite part of the unit is reading this book.  Ask your children about the story and the goat and about Mrs. Graves crying.  :) (happy tears)

Turn and talk

Looked over our predications after we were done.
We starred the ones that were correct!

Mind Mission #2
Build a house for your bunnies that have come to live in your community.  Must keep them dry when it rains, withstand the rain and protect them from the fox.  Most importantly, have positive teamwork while building it!

Finished homes

Math Journals out and ready to go!

Solving the problem together. 

Math games and stations

In line for recess! 

Packing up and getting bug bucks.
On the way out the door, they can give me a hand shake, high five or a hug.  Some want all 3 :).


  1. Thank you for all the info. We have such fun conversations about school days. Like the house ideas.

  2. Thank you for all the info. We have such fun conversations about school days. Like the house ideas.
